Love Quiz: Test if you are infatuated?

【Love Quiz Questions】What do you do when your lover happily asks you to do something you might not be able to do?

Love Quiz: Test if you are infatuated?
【Test result】The person who chose this answer is obviously a person who dare not confess. Of course, there are many reasons for not being able to confess. Maybe it is because you love the other party too much, you are afraid that the other party will get angry, maybe you are deliberately deceiving the other party, or you may be fake. In short, the person who chooses this answer, whether it is a man or a woman, is a person who has problems with love and mentality. If you want to have a sound and complete love? It is best to get rid of this mentality of not being able to confess, otherwise, this kind of person's love character will never find true love and lover. This person is more concerned about gains and losses, and even if he has a lover, the other party will be troubled by your not being able to confess. If you want to have true love, it is best to be honest. After all, love is the fit of both hearts and honesty is the basic condition.
【Test result】The person who chooses this answer is a person who is careful and considerate of each other. I was sleepy because I didn't want to let the other party down and sad, and I didn't want the other party to feel cheated, so after circling in my head for a while, I would do anything to agree. Once promised, will you go all out to complete the task? Even if you can't achieve it, you will sincerely tell the other party that you have tried your best. In fact, this kind of person is willing to sacrifice for each other, it can be said to be the greatest person, but also the hardest lover. If this kind of person wants to live longer, please tell the picture and let the other party understand you, otherwise you will soon be stubborn.
[Test result] The person who chooses this answer is a very rational lover who neither has too many fantasies nor is too realistic and utilitarian, and can be said to be a lover with a healthy mentality. However, there is a little bit of romance that is not recognized by the six relatives, because romance has more or less irrational affection. This kind of person will ask for a reasonable scale in everything, even in the early days of the flower, he may be thinking about small things such as the cold climate and the risk of catching a cold. Although rational people usually do not make any mistakes, the ancient sages once said that a person who does not make mistakes will not have a human breath. Perhaps, this kind of person feels that it is also a kind of happiness to let the other party get a reasonable and unchanged love?
【Test result】The person who chose this answer can be said to be a very realistic person. This kind of person will not daydream, and of course he will not do unrealistic things, especially things that are detrimental to their own interests. Even in the face of loved ones, they will refuse mercilessly. Maybe it's the kind of people who are naturally more rectal and vomit, and say what they have. But it may be too blunt, often offending people, and even hurting the lover's delicate thoughts. So when you fall in love with this kind of person, you must remember not to have too many fantasies, and don't often act like a spoiled child, otherwise it will not be worth it to use a hot face to stick a cold butt.

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