How to express your love in numbers...

Digital Love Text Message Riddles

3456 Acacia is useless
0594184 You and I are forever
220225 love love you love love me
584520 I swear I love you
246437 Love is so magical
1314925 Love me forever
594230 I just love to miss you
35925 love me if you want me
1799 Let's go together
5366 I want to chat
246 starved to death
918 Come on!
8013 with your life
04551 you are my only
51396 I'm going to bed
0487 You are an idiot
995 save me
5203344587 I love you forever and ever
88 goodbye
748 Go to hell
537 I am angry
3030335 miss you miss you miss me
520 I love you
53880 I want to hug you
3344520 Life after life I love you
53719 I am still affectionate
25184 love me forever
1392010 I will love you all my life
259695 Know me if you love me
078 You Go
74839 actually don't want to go
20999 love you for a long time
5871 I don't mind
82475 Being loved is happiness
775885 kiss me hug me
08376 Don't be angry
3307778 want to have a hair dryer with you
095 You are looking for me
8006 ignore you
25873 love me till this life
20863 love you in the next life
3399 long and long
1573 Infatuation
234 Love Follows
20863 love you in the next life
360 miss you
2010000 love you ten thousand years
1372 Wishful thinking
740 I'm mad at you
596 I'm Gone
456 It's me
7998 go for a walk
53770 I want to kiss you
8807701314520 hug you kiss you forever I love you
A more reasonable explanation for the digital text message "584568217777812234179876868587129955829475" is "I swear, I will hug you to blow the air, follow you in love, let's go together, go for a walk, stay with you and be with me, to be loved is happiness. "

0 characters
019425 You still love me
02746 You are disgusting to death 02825 Do you love me or not
03456 Your lovesickness is useless
0437 You are the nerve 04517 You are my oxygen
0456 You are mine
04567 You are my old wife0457 You are my wife
045692 you are my favorite
0487 You are an idiot 0487561 You are an idiot without medicine
0564335 Think of me when I'm so bored 0594184 You and I are forever 065 Forgive me
06537 You make me angry 07382 You bully the bad and fear the good 0748 You die
07868 You are full 08056 You ignore me 0837 Don't be angry
08376 Don't be angry 095 You find me 098 You go

1 character
1240 My favorite is you
1314 forever 1314925 love me forever
1372 Wishful thinking
1392010 I will love you forever 1414 meaning
147 I Love You
1573 Devotion 1711 Devotion

2 characters
200 love you
20110 love you 100 million years 20160 love you 10,000 years
20170 love you a thousand years
20184 love you forever 2030999 love you miss you for a long time
2037 sad for you
20475 Love you is happiness 20609 Love you forever
207374 I love you for seven lives and seven lives
220225 love love you love me 230 love you 234 love follow
235 love me 240 love you 246 starve to death
246437 Love is so magical 25184 Love me forever 25873 Love me till this life
25910 Love me a little longer 259695 If you love me, understand me 259758 If you love me, marry me
2627 Love comes and loves 282 Hungry or not 2925184 Love will love me forever
296 Love is gone

3 characters
300 miss you
30920 I miss you, I love you 309420 I miss you, I love you
3013 I miss you all my life
31707 LOVE (turn the BP machine upside down) 32012 Miss your love
32069 I want to love you for a long time
3207778 I want to have a hair dryer with you 330335 Think about you, think about me
3344 Life after life 3399 For a long time 356 Online
35910 Miss me a little longer 3731 Sincerely 39 THANK YOU

4 characters
440295 Thank you for loving me
4422335 Think about me all the time 4457 Come back quickly
456 It's me
460 I miss you

5 characters
505 SOS
507680 I must chase you 510 I depend on you (I have come)
51020 I still love you
51095 I want you to marry me 51396 I'm going to bed
514 Uninteresting
515206 I don't love you anymore 51620 I still love you
51820 I don't love you anymore 518720 I love you all my life 51920 I still love you
51930 I still miss you 520 I love you 5201314 I love you forever
520*10000 I love you for ten thousand years 5203344 I love you forever 52094 I love you till death
521 I am willing 5230 I love you 5240 I love you
52406 I love you to death 526 I am hungry 5260 I have a crush on you
530 I miss you 530184 I miss you for the rest of my life 53207778 I want to hang out with you
53406 I miss you 53517230 I think I'm in love with you 5360 I miss you
5366 I want to chat 5376 I am angry 53719 I am still affectionate
53770 I want to kiss you 53782 I'm in a bad mood 53880 I want to hug you
53980 I want to beat you 540086 I am your girlfriend 54033 I am your husband
5406 I am your 5407 I am your wife 54064 I am your teacher
54074 I am your wife 54086 I am your eighth 5420 I only love you
54335 Think about me for nothing 543720 I really love you 54430 I miss you all the time
5452830 I miss you all the time 546 I lost 5460 I miss you
5490 I will find you 54920 I will always love you 554528096 I will be with you all the time
555 Woohoo 55646 I'm bored to death 556520 I can't help but love you
558 Good afternoon 55926 How boring am I 5620 I love you so much
562059487 If I love you, I'm an idiot5630 I miss you so much564335 Think of me when I'm bored
5670 I want to marry you 570 I am angry with you 57350 I only care about you
57386 I went to work 57410 My heart belongs to you 574839 I don't really want to leave
57520 My wife, I love you 576 I went 5776 I went out
578 cram school 58 good night 584520 I swear I love you
586 I'm not coming 587 I'm sorry 5871 I don't mind
592 I'm so hungry 59240 I love you the most 59420 I just love you
59430 I just miss you 59520 I love you forever 596 I'm gone