What are the best flowers for your girlfriend on Valentine's Day?

Flowers are a magical existence that can make people feel happy and their happiness soars. Sending flowers is not only a sense of ritual, but also a way to express love and blessings.

Many people always ask, why do you need to send flowers on any holiday? What does it mean to send flowers?

In fact, flower delivery has been around since ancient civilizations, sending wild flowers, mountain flowers, etc. By the Tang Dynasty, professional flower planting skills were exquisite, people's living standards improved, and the demand for flowers also increased, and the flower market began to appear.

At first, only dignitaries and nobles could buy flowers for hairpins, gifts, etc. Later, ordinary people also liked to use flowers to celebrate some specific festivals. At this time, flowers were considered a luxury.

In the 19th century, all kinds of flower language began to prevail. Young men and women began to express their feelings through carefully matched small bouquets. Flowers became the microphone, and they had the function of expressing, proposing, making friends, blessing, congratulations, etc.

Gradually, flowers appear in many important places, such as conferences, banquets, weddings and other important occasions. Therefore, flowers are not only condiments, but also a sense of ritual in life. Sending flowers is undoubtedly a gesture of goodwill, expressing certain feelings through flowers.

Sending flowers on Valentine's Day has become a ritual sense in China. In the past, boys gave girls, but now men and women give each other, and they will also give them to girlfriends and friends. The demand for flowers on Valentine's Day is constantly being excavated and expanded.

So what kind of flowers are suitable to send?

Sending flowers is also a science. Some people like to send flowers according to the color, and some people like to send flowers according to the language of flowers. No matter what they send, the more important thing is that the person who receives the flowers likes them.

The following editors give suggestions for sending flowers according to different scenarios, and please take a seat according to the actual situation!

Secret Love Sends Gypsophila

First love to send tulips, white roses

Tulips are fresh and delicate, and can be used as the main flower or with flowers. The shyness of the first love is hidden in it.

White roses are pure and immaculate, and with the popular element "Broken Ice Blue" in the past two years, they are closely following the trend and are fashionable and romantic.

Passionately Sending Red Roses

When you are in love, you will send red roses to express your strong love for each other. Of course, there are many kinds of red roses, as many as girls' lipsticks. There are ordinary models, advanced models, and advanced models.

Couple sending pink roses

The relationship between husband and wife is stable, flowers are the flavoring agent of life, pink roses are full of vitality, no matter how long we are together, I will send you flowers, give you the sense of ceremony you should have, and protect your girly heart.

Friendship send champagne roses, sunflowers

According to big data, Valentine’s Day is not just about giving flowers to each other between men and women. At a time when the single rate is very high, friends and girlfriends will also give flowers to each other on Valentine’s Day, wishing them an early divorce.

The flowers that express friendship can choose champagne roses and sunflowers. The colors are lighter, full of sunshine and hope.

The problem of what to send has been solved, and a new problem has arisen: how many to send?

The number of flowers, no matter how many, is a good meaning. It can be based on one's own economic strength. It can be 1, 9, 11, 19, 33, 66, 99... or according to the overall Matching, don't care about the number of flowers, beauty is justice.

The above are just reference suggestions. More are different from person to person. Everyone has different personalities, different preferences, and different perceptions of flowers. It is recommended that a florist can recommend them to you. The premise is to book in advance. If it is a festival, it is flowers. What the store has what you buy, there is no choice at all.

How to choose a flower delivery channel?

There are two ways to buy flowers: offline and online. Offline is divided into three types of physical flower shops, flower art studios and flower art training schools; online channels are more abundant and are also the main channel for flower shop sales.

The most traditional flower purchase channel, large flower shops have many choices of flowers, you can ask for purchases on the spot, and communication is convenient. There may be the disadvantage of opaque prices, especially the festival prices such as Valentine's Day, 520, and Qixi Festival, which may be slaughtered, pay attention to order flowers in advance! Order flowers in advance! Order flowers in advance!

The above only represents the personal opinion of the editor. In the end, it is necessary to "prescribe the right medicine" according to the prescription of the flower. Of course, if the other party likes you, it is also very happy to send a grass root, and if you don't like it, it is all-match! As for the choice of purchasing channels, it is still to be determined according to the actual situation.

Final reminder: order flowers in advance! Order flowers in advance! Order flowers in advance! All love is premeditated, book a romantic surprise for your partner in advance.

Note: Some graphic materials are from the Internet and are for reference only!