Interpretation of each rose in its own country

Real roses have little ornamental value. The legend about "rose" is actually a mistranslation, that is, a rose or a rose is mistranslated into a rose. The following legendary roses are all ancient European hybrid roses.

After the Russian Emperor Nicholas I succeeded to the throne in 1825, he sent a general to escort his mother, Maria Fyodorovna, back to the Royal Village (now Pushkin City). After finishing the work, the general was walking nearby and was surprised to see a sentry with a gun standing by the roadside, but there was nothing in the place he was guarding. He asked all the officials, but no one could say clearly, he just said that it was the rules of court etiquette. Later he learned in St. Petersburg that the Royal Garden had been set up for 50 years. The basis for setting up the post was an order "to set up a post 500 steps away from the East Wing".
Since the general had to visit this mysterious outpost every time he came to Huangcun, the courtiers and even the queen mother herself became interested. The secret of setting up the post is finally revealed. It turned out that the first order to set up the post was Empress Catherine II. At that time, the queen often walked in the garden. One day, she found a blooming rose, beautiful and moving, and she wanted to leave it to one of her grandsons, so she gave an order to set up guards beside the flowers, so as not to be picked by others. Go, but the next day, she forgot about it completely, and the post has been kept year after year. After the Queen's death, the rose bushes of course withered away long ago, but the sentinels were constantly rotating in place.
Long before roses appeared in Russian gardens, there were many colorful roses all over the world. Beautiful and moving legend

According to ancient Indian fairy tales, roses enjoy an honor in India, and even the law expressly stipulates that those who present roses to the emperor have the right to plead with the emperor for everything they want. At that time, the Brahmins of the highest caste used roses to decorate their temples and sprinkled bright roses on the road to worship the Lord God. In the decoration of the emperor's palace, the brilliance of roses is also indispensable, so roses are the most popular tribute flowers.
Lakshmi, the goddess of beauty and happiness in Brahmanism and Hinduism, is recognized as a peerless beauty. It is said that she was born from a rosebud composed of 108 large petals and 1008 small petals. Vishnu, the sun god in the Vedic religion and the master of the universe, saw this charming beauty and immediately woke her up with a kiss to become his wife.

The legends about roses in ancient Iran shrouded the entire East like a mist. Because of the voluminous praises of the beautiful roses by ancient Iranian poets, ancient Iran became a paradise for growth and reproduction.
A Persian poet said that roses are a gift from God to the world. Once all the plants came to ask Allah to appoint a new master to replace the water lilies, because the water lilies forgot their role as masters at night. At the request of the plant, Allah appointed the white rose, armed with a weapon of self-defense, as the queen of the plant.
The outer petals of some white roses also have a pink tinge, which is also a beautiful story in Persian legends. It is said that Nightingale fell in love with the newly appointed Kao at first sight, and hugged the beautiful Kao involuntarily, the thorns pierced his heart at once, and the bright red blood poured out from his chest, dyeing the rose petals red, so the outer layer of the white rose. The petals still retain their pink hue.
The Persian love and admiration for roses also infected the Turks, and more precisely, all Muslims.

It is said that in 41 BC, the glamorous Egyptian queen Cleopatra conquered the suspicious Roman commander Marcus Antony with the magical power of rose petals. Here's how it happened: In Roman custom, at a banquet, the little petals from the rosettes were sprinkled into wine, and by drinking this wine, you showed your deep respect for the person who sprinkled the petals. Antony was wary of Cleopatra, fearing her treachery, so he let the attendants taste all the food and wine at the table. At that time, the queen ordered the rose wreath to be sprinkled with poisonous juice. Anthony was intoxicated and swore to the queen's love, and then threw the petals of her wreath into the wine glass. When he raised the glass to drink, the queen took it away. his wine cup, and ordered the prisoner who was about to be executed to drink Anthony's wine, and the prisoner was poisoned on the spot. Cleopatra said affectionately to Anthony: "Dear, you see, if I can live without you, I can easily kill you..." Anthony was conquered.

Greece, the center of civilization in the ancient world, also enshrined roses as a gift from God. In the writings of Greek poets, the appearance of roses renders beautiful mythological colors. According to the poets, the rose was formed from the snow-white foam of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty (Venus in Roman mythology), when she was born from the sea foam. When the goddesses saw the roses on the goddess, the beauty was not inferior to the goddess, and they were amazed, and they sprinkled the nectar to make people immortal. The nectar made the roses fragrant, but did not keep them from withering, because some of the gods were jealous.
The origin of the red rose, there is a lingering legend in Greek mythology. Aphrodite's lover, the god of nature, the beautiful man Adonis was unfortunately injured by a wild boar when he was hunting. After hearing the news, the goddess ran to the place where Adonis was killed, and was stabbed by a rose thorn on the way. her feet. Blood dripped on the flower, and the white rose became a red rose.
Rose is pronounced "Los" in Latin. The origin of the name has such a legend in Roman mythology: Flora, the goddess of flowers, has no affection for Amor, the god of love, and has avoided him for a long time. One day, the cunning God of Love shot her with an arrow of love, and Flora fell in love with her from then on, but Amor was disgusted with the old and abandoned Flora. The goddess is disappointed and determined to herself
The cut flower "rose" is actually a rose
The cut flower "rose" is actually a rose (11 photos)
 Create a kind of flower that can cry and laugh, which is a combination of joy and sorrow. When the goddess saw her miraculous creation, she was so surprised that she could not help calling out the name of her beloved "Eros" (this is the Greek name for the god of love). However, because of her shyness and excitement, she called out "Los", and missed "E". Since then, this flower was named "Los" ("ROSE" in English).
In addition to the colorful legends in mythology, the ancient Greeks also believed that roses had practical value. It is said that in the 5th century BC, Apasia, the famous geisha of Athens, the brilliant and attractive, had a wart on her cheek when she was a child. The warts were ruining her beauty more and more and making her suffer. Fortunately, one day she dreamed that a beloved dove of Aphrodite was flying, and suggested that she collect the withered petals on the forehead of the statue of the goddess (the Greeks usually put rosettes on the goddess) and make it into an ointment, After applying it to the wart, it healed. Sure enough, after Pacia did so, she became the most beautiful beauty in Greece and the wife of the famous Athenian strategist and commander Pericles.

The Germans believed that the use of white roses could reveal the witches' tricks.

Many Christian legends are also associated with roses. Archangel Gavriel weaves three wreaths for the Virgin, white roses for joy to the Virgin, red roses for pain, and yellow roses for peace.

ancient rome
Every year on February 14, on "Valentine's Day" in the west, countless men and women swim in the river of love, bringing their red roses with them. The festival is said to have started in Roman times. It is said that people worship Juno on this day because she is the guardian of women's marriage and happiness, the ancients needed happiness from both sides, and this day is the beginning of youth activities I think. A quiet wish. Therefore, people usually refer to roses as "love flowers".

In Greece, the rose is a symbol of God's love and beauty, and is used by humans to express human joy and sorrow. When the roses settled in Rome, they acquired new characters and symbols. In republican times, roses reflected high morals and the rewards of achievement. During the fall of Rome, the rose became the symbol of the greatest evil, making giants expensive. At that time, I was covered in flowers at sea. At the feast of Emperor Helioga, we sprinkle rose petals from the ceiling, giving the tyrant the highest satisfaction.
The cut flower 'rose' is actually a rose
The cut flower "rose" is actually a rose (19 photos)
Many petals fell on the dinner, and many customers held their breath and buried themselves in the flowers.
We created a special industry, the Rosegarland Compiler, and opened a unique Rose Exchange, a full-time broker engaged in Rose Trading.
The Romans' attitude towards the rose influenced early Christians in Western Europe, who first saw the rose as a symbol of fornication and destruction. But over time, roses eventually changed people's prejudices about their beauty and fragrance. Hundreds of years later, the priests forgot the role of the rose in the decline of the Roman Empire and declared the rose to be the flower of heaven.
The story of the crucifixion of Jesus is the story of the Moss Rose. When Jesus was crucified, the blood stained the cross. The little angel gathered the blood into a golden you, and a few drops of blood dripped into the moss. The moss quickly absorbed these droplets, preventing the Savior's blood from being bound. The beautiful moss rose has come out of the world, so people will always remember the Savior who shed blood for the sins of mankind. The "moss rose" here is actually a variation of the Venetian rose.

Rose, rose, rose and other rose plants use the same word (unlike the previous modifier) in European languages, such as English and French rose, and German for Die Rose. Chinese roses and rose seeds are native to Asia and are not sold in Europe and the United States.
Damascus Rose Damascus Rose, Rose Rugosa Rose, Rose Rose Chinese Rose, Manchurian Rose, etc.
The most common hybrid rose today (also known as Rosa hybrida, modern rose, or modern rose) is a finished product, grown from a variety of roses and seeds over hundreds of years. In particular, the rose relatives have a long flowering period, bloom all year round, shoots grow mainly upwards, and inflorescences open clearly at the top of the plant.
Today, in everyday Chinese language, "rose" is a common term for various rose plants. In fact, hybrid roses are also made by crossing various species under the rose.