What does the color mean in the bouquet?

color Color temperature Symbolic meaning
Red warm color Sun, flame, blood, excitement, liveliness, enthusiasm, positive, hope, loyalty, health, fulfillment, fullness, happiness
Orange warm color Flame, light, Xiaguang, lively, gorgeous, brilliant, vibrant, hot, warm, sweet, happy, happy, Halloween
Yellow warm color Male, bright, brilliant, hope, fame, brisk, brilliant, transparent, lively, healthy
purple Intermediate color Mysterious, noble, graceful, solemn, gorgeous
Ash Intermediate color Soft, meticulous, stable, simple and generous
White Intermediate color Clean, bright, innocent, innocent, simple, hygienic, tranquil
black Intermediate color Quiet, mysterious, serious, solemn, reserved
green Cool Grass, leaf plant life, youth, peace, tranquility, freshness
green Cool
Blue Cool Calm, indifferent, sensible, advanced