In addition to red roses, there are many other flowers that are popular choices for Valentine's Day. Here are some popular flowers for Valentine's Day:
1. Carnation: Carnation is a flower that represents love, respect and appreciation. They are available in a variety of colors, each with a different meaning. Pink carnations represent pure love, while red represents passionate love.
2. Lily: Lily is an elegant and noble flower that represents the blessing of purity and love. The fragrance and beautiful appearance of lily flowers make them a popular choice for Valentine's Day.
3. Tulips: Tulips are a traditional flower that represents perfect love and romantic feelings. They are available in a variety of colors, and each color has its own meaning, such as red representing passion and pink representing blessings and happiness.
4. Daisy: Daisy is a lovely and popular flower that represents true and unconditional love. They are available in a variety of colors, such as yellow for friendship and happiness, and white for selfless love and purity.
5. Tulip: Tulip is an elegant and delicate flower that represents perfect love and colorful emotions. They are available in a variety of colors, such as red for passion and pink for elegance and romance.
6. Dicot: Dicot is a delicate and elegant green plant that can be used as a decoration for bouquets. They represent luck and hope, adding a lively and natural feel to the bouquet.
Each of these flowers has their own unique beauty and meaning, and you can choose the best bouquet based on your preferences and relationship with your recipient. No matter which flower you choose, it is important to give it to your partner with sincerity and love so that they feel how much you love and matter to them.
Special bouquet to make up the difference$1.00
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My only one(粉.真愛) 永生花藍牙喇叭(粉色)(底座顏色隨機發貨:粉、白、黑)(必須連同鮮花花束加購,才享此特別優惠)• 優惠每人限換一個。(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )Product on sale$1.00
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Pursue ideals (sunflower, white platycodon, white gypsophila, eucalyptus)$996.00
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