Korean Giant 99 Red Rose Bouquet

99 red roses, appropriate amount of leaves
A bouquet of 99 roses represents long-lasting love and guarantees a successful marriage proposal. Our store specializes in 99 roses and 108 roses proposal bouquets. Flowers arrive in Hong Kong daily and are freshly made.

Korean Giant 99 Red Rose Bouquet
long time love

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A Rose Story:

˙In ancient Egypt, in order to warmly welcome the Roman hero, Antony, the queen at that time, Cleopatra, once used rose petals with elegant fragrance to spread on the floor thickly, making the great hero Antony walk on the fragrant scent. When the rose carpet was created, she couldn't help asking the queen to be buried in rose petals after her death. In addition, many Greek poets, historians and botanists have also unanimously praised the rose as the most beloved flower. For example, in about 600 BC, a poetess Soppho once sang roses as Queen of the Flowers, which made the roses beautiful, and thus added a "Queen of the Flowers" honor. No.

˙It is said that the god of beauty, Menas, once said: "Let the earth be beautiful." And the flowers were planted on the island of Rhodes in Greece, and the flowers that grew were roses. This is the story of Western roses. Later, people who like roses transformed roses into today's fragrant and elegant flowers and fruits, and became king in flower shops.

˙ Homer often praised roses, once used as a perfume to smear the murdered Hector. There is no doubt that this is the dog rose or the wild rose in general (Rosa canina), which was not cultivated in Greece until the fifth century BC. Different legends indicate the origin of this plant, some believe it was derived from the blood of Adonis, and some say it grew from the blood of Aphrodite,

There are also Greek poets who mentioned that this beautiful plant appeared on the earth when Aphrodite was born…. In addition, Graces (the three goddesses of beauty and beauty, representing the joy and beauty given by nature), Muses (the goddess of literature and art), Nymphs (the goddess of nature), and Dionysus (the god of wine) are all believed to be related to this plant.

˙In ancient Greek mythology, it is said that the king of the gods, "Zeus", once in order to show off his divine power, in front of the crowd, he picked out two crystal clear bubbles from the waves of the sea, and then used his unparalleled divine power. , turn the bubble into two people and things like "love", one is the goddess Venus and the other is a rose. In mythology, the rose is also the flower that symbolizes "secret". Cupid, the god of love, bribes Herpocrates, the god of silence, with roses sent by his mother Venus in order to keep his mother's love story from being discovered, asking him to keep it a secret. Therefore, when there was a secret communication between the Romans, they used a rose to indicate it, which was called sub rose (that is, Un﹙ der the rose﹚).

˙In medieval Europe, people believed that the blood-red rose petals symbolized the blood of the martyrs, and the white rose represented the pure blood of the Virgin Mary. People at that time also revered the rose very much. Since then, the garden of the monastery has formed a relationship with the rose. Indissoluble bond.

˙Taiwan is called rose, Japan is called rose, and the three kinds of rose commonly planted in mainland China are Rosaceae Rosaceae.