Mother's Day carnations! What are the options?

Mother's Day's classic program, always can not do without flowers!
Because almost every woman likes to collect flowers, and women who are mothers will want to collect flowers even more! (Unless your dad continues to be romantic after marriage!

However, it turns out that sending baa flowers and baa colors are both interesting, so let's take a look at them first and send them to my mother!


The first choice for Mother's Day must be carnations!
The recognized "Mother's Flower" has the meaning of "Mom, I love you" and praises the meaning of mother's love.
Flower language: sincere, warm blessings, loving you, kindness, maternal love that does not ask for price

When used as a gift for mother, carnations of different colors have a special explanation:

Red (Mother's Day): Wishing mother a long and healthy life
Pink (Mother's Day): I wish my mother always young and beautiful
Yellow (Mother's Day): Gratitude to Mothers
White (Mother's Day): Remembering the Lost Mother
It turned out that I sent white... it was a representative... So Qian Qi Mi sent the wrong color!

In addition to left carnations, there are other mother flowers:

Rose - the mother flower of Vietnam and Indonesia

Roses have always been a symbol of beauty and love. Many people think that they are only used for Valentine's Day, but it turns out that people in Vietnam and Indonesia are used to giving roses to their mothers!
Red roses represent love. When sending to the mother, it is recommended to choose pink, yellow, white and other colors

Flower language:
Pink: a symbol of touching, tenderness and sincerity
White: pure, I respect you
Yellow: noble, precious blessings

Lubinghua—the mother flower of the Hakka people

Some people regard Lu Binghua as a mother flower. The main reason is that it comes from the theme song of the movie "Lu Binghua" sung by Taiwanese singer Jenny in the early 1990s. One of the lyrics "... every night I think of my mother's words, and the tears shine Lu Binghua... ".
In addition, Lu Binghua grows on the poor ridge land, and after withering, it is the best fertilizer for tea trees. It is hard-working and has a sense of sacrifice and dedication, which is exactly in line with the image of Hakka women and mothers.

Flower language: a symbol of maternal love, hard work, dedication

Lily—Taiwan Aboriginal Mother Flower

The lilies themselves are very popular with women, and in the minds of the Paiwan aborigines in Taiwan, they use Lai to praise their mothers. Aboriginal groups believe that lilies are pure and sacred, and women in the ethnic group wear lily flower decorations to indicate that they have good moral and ethical conduct.

Flower language: elegant, pure, noble

Hemerocallis—the flower of Chinese mothers

I believe not many people have heard of Hemerocallis flower, but it turns out that it is the Chinese version of "Mother's Flower"!

Legend has it that in ancient China, whenever a wanderer wanted to go far, he would plant some Hemerocallis in advance, hoping that his mother would forget his sorrows by looking at the flowers.
In the Tang Dynasty, Meng Jiao wrote a poem about Hemerocallis:
"Hemerocallis grows on the steps of the hall, and the wandering child travels the world; the loving mother leans on the door of the hall, but the flowers of the daylily are not seen." "Poems of the wandering child"

Flower language: hidden love, forgetting sorrow, healing sorrow

Hemerocallis is also called golden needle flower, and the flower buds are actually the golden needles in the steamed chicken with golden needles and cloud ears that we usually eat!

Hemerocallis has been seen in many parks in Hong Kong. It is a very rough flower. I heard that it may not always be available in the flower market of flower shops...

If you want to send Hemerocallis on Mother's Day, I don't know if the steamed chicken with golden needles and cloud ears is better than grandma's food~~

Or, sending flowers that are similar in shape is a good choice for lilies~

In addition to carnations, which are the same as the above "mother flowers", there are actually the following flowers that are very popular:


The round and spherical flowers give people a feeling of completeness and reunion, symbolizing the connection between family members, and the family will never be separated.
Flower language: happiness, reunion


Peony flowers are graceful and luxurious, and are known as the king of flowers. Mom is like a queen in the house and enterprise. Sending peonies to match her noble status!
Flower language: wealth and auspiciousness, perfection, passion


Orchids are of high quality and are known as "the gentleman among flowers". Elegant-looking orchids are especially popular with older moms!
In addition to gifting in the form of bouquets, orchids are suitable for gifting in potted plants, which are both generous and environmentally friendly, and can be appreciated by your mother 365 days a year.

Cymbidium flower language: noble and graceful, rich and peaceful
Phalaenopsis language: happiness, warmth

I don't know if you are planning to give a flower to your mother this Mother's Day?

The above information is provided byHappy Flower Housesupply

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Happy Flower House
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Mother's Day Carnations
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