Happy every day (6 carnations)
Happy every day (6 carnations)
Happy every day (6 carnations)
If you want to express your deep love with a bouquet, this bouquet of carnations is the perfect choice. Carnations represent love and passion, and through this bouquet, you can convey your deep affection for your beloved.
This loving carnation bouquet is carefully crafted from fresh carnation flowers. The bouquet uses various carnation colors, including pink, purple, red and white, to make the whole bouquet look more colorful. Some green leaves were also added to the bouquet to make the whole bouquet more lively and interesting.
Whether it is a gift for a loved one, a family member or a friend, this bouquet of carnations with deep love will make them feel your love and affection. This bouquet makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any special occasion. Let the deep love pass through this bouquet, making the relationship between you and your beloved more intimate.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
一心一意的敬愛(11枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
一心一意的敬愛(11枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
Wholehearted respect and love (11 carnations)
If you want to express your deep love with a bouquet, this bouquet of carnations is the perfect choice. Carnations represent love and passion, and through this bouquet, you can convey your deep affection for your beloved.
This loving carnation bouquet is carefully crafted from fresh carnation flowers. The bouquet uses various carnation colors, including pink, purple, red and white, to make the whole bouquet look more colorful. Some green leaves were also added to the bouquet to make the whole bouquet more lively and interesting.
Whether it is a gift for a loved one, a family member or a friend, this bouquet of carnations with deep love will make them feel your love and affection. This bouquet makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any special occasion. Let the deep love pass through this bouquet, making the relationship between you and your beloved more intimate.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
健康常伴(混色康乃馨、尤加利葉)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
健康常伴(混色康乃馨、尤加利葉)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
In this special age, health is our greatest wealth. Send a bouquet full of health blessings to express your care and blessings to your loved ones. The name of the bouquet we recommend is "Healthy Companion", which is composed of mixed-color carnations and fresh eucalyptus leaves, conveying full of health blessings.
Carnation is the flower that represents love and happiness in the language of flowers, while eucalyptus has soothing and anti-inflammatory effects, which can help people maintain health. This bouquet of flowers is not only full of beauty and warmth, but also conveys the meaning of health and safety. Sending your love is a kind of care and blessing, and I hope they can live a healthy and happy life forever.
The color scheme of the "Healthy Companion" bouquet is quite diverse, with mixed-color carnations as the mainstay, and carnations of various colors. The colors are colorful and make people feel happy. This kind of bouquet is suitable for various occasions, whether it is birthday, Thanksgiving, Mother's Day or ordinary days, it can bring beautiful surprises and touches.
The "Healthy Companion" bouquet is a beautiful and practical gift. In this special age, we need more care and care. Sending such a gift of healthy companions can show your care and love. If you are looking for a special gift, let "Healthy Companion" accompany your loved ones and bring them health and warmth.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
Charming mother (8 carnations, 8 imported roses, alexandrite beads, purple lisianthus, French forget-me-not, musk)
Charming mother (8 carnations, 8 imported roses, alexandrite beads, purple lisianthus, French forget-me-not, musk)
The name of the bouquet "Mama Charming" is dedicated to all mothers. This bouquet combines a variety of elegant flowers to evoke respect and gratitude. This bouquet consists of 8 carnations and 8 imported roses, the pink and purple flowers are intertwined, showing an elegant and romantic atmosphere. The addition of amethyst pearls and purple eustoma adds a mysterious and noble atmosphere to the bouquet, while French forget-me-nots and musk make the bouquet more unique.
This bouquet is an extremely beautiful and heartwarming gift, perfect to give to your mother as a token of your respect and gratitude for her. Carnations represent maternal love, while roses are a symbol of love. The combination of these flowers represents your love and gratitude to your mother. I hope your mother can feel your heart and love.
The elegance and beauty of the "Charming Mom" bouquets can add color to any occasion, such as Mother's Day, birthdays, weddings, celebrations and other occasions, it is a very good choice. This bouquet of flowers has been carefully designed and decorated with high-quality flower materials, and each flower represents your heart and blessing to your mother.
All in all, the "Charming Mom" bouquet is a gift full of love and gratitude. No matter what occasion you give your mother, it can make her feel that you care and value her, and it can also make her more happiness and joy.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
無怨無悔(康乃馨,玫瑰)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
無怨無悔(康乃馨,玫瑰)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
The name of the bouquet "No Complaints and No Regrets" is full of deep emotions, inspiring the desire for love without regrets. This bouquet is composed of carnations and roses. Through the matching of flowers, it conveys the deep affection and perseverance in the pursuit of love.
Carnations represent purity, elegance and sincerity, represent a firm commitment to love, and are flowers that express gratitude and respect. The rose represents the passion and romance of love, and is a classic choice for expressing love.
"No Complaints and No Regrets" This bouquet combines the advantages of carnations and roses, expressing that on the road of love, no matter how many hardships and obstacles there are, one can persevere with no regrets and never give up on one's love .
Send this bouquet of flowers "No Complaints and No Regrets", and let it be your most sincere confession to your other half, expressing your deep love for him or her. Maybe one day, when you review the past together, this bouquet of flowers will become the most moving testimony.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
幸福的祝願(19枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
幸福的祝願(19枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
Happy Wishes (19 Carnations)
If you want to express your deep love with a bouquet, this bouquet of carnations is the perfect choice. Carnations represent love and passion, and through this bouquet, you can convey your deep affection for your beloved.
This loving carnation bouquet is carefully crafted from fresh carnation flowers. The bouquet uses various carnation colors, including pink, purple, red and white, to make the whole bouquet look more colorful. Some green leaves were also added to the bouquet to make the whole bouquet more lively and interesting.
Whether it is a gift for a loved one, a family member or a friend, this bouquet of carnations with deep love will make them feel your love and affection. This bouquet makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any special occasion. Let the deep love pass through this bouquet, making the relationship between you and your beloved more intimate.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
歲歲平安(11枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
歲歲平安(11枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
Happy New Years (11 Carnations)
If you want to express your deep love with a bouquet, this bouquet of carnations is the perfect choice. Carnations represent love and passion, and through this bouquet, you can convey your deep affection for your beloved.
This loving carnation bouquet is carefully crafted from fresh carnation flowers. The bouquet uses various carnation colors, including pink, purple, red and white, to make the whole bouquet look more colorful. Some green leaves were also added to the bouquet to make the whole bouquet more lively and interesting.
Whether it is a gift for a loved one, a family member or a friend, this bouquet of carnations with deep love will make them feel your love and affection. This bouquet makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any special occasion. Let the deep love pass through this bouquet, making the relationship between you and your beloved more intimate.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
祝妳健康(6枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
祝妳健康(6枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
I wish you health (6 carnations)
If you want to express your deep love with a bouquet, this bouquet of carnations is the perfect choice. Carnations represent love and passion, and through this bouquet, you can convey your deep affection for your beloved.
This loving carnation bouquet is carefully crafted from fresh carnation flowers. The bouquet uses various carnation colors, including pink, purple, red and white, to make the whole bouquet look more colorful. Some green leaves were also added to the bouquet to make the whole bouquet more lively and interesting.
Whether it is a gift for a loved one, a family member or a friend, this bouquet of carnations with deep love will make them feel your love and affection. This bouquet makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any special occasion. Let the deep love pass through this bouquet, making the relationship between you and your beloved more intimate.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
一直陪伴(18枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
一直陪伴(18枝康乃馨)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
Be with you all the time (18 carnations)
If you want to express your deep love with a bouquet, this bouquet of carnations is the perfect choice. Carnations represent love and passion, and through this bouquet, you can convey your deep affection for your beloved.
This loving carnation bouquet is carefully crafted from fresh carnation flowers. The bouquet uses various carnation colors, including pink, purple, red and white, to make the whole bouquet look more colorful. Some green leaves were also added to the bouquet to make the whole bouquet more lively and interesting.
Whether it is a gift for a loved one, a family member or a friend, this bouquet of carnations with deep love will make them feel your love and affection. This bouquet makes a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any special occasion. Let the deep love pass through this bouquet, making the relationship between you and your beloved more intimate.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
For the world only (33 carnations, eucalyptus leaves)
For the world only (33 carnations, eucalyptus leaves)
For the world only (33 carnations, eucalyptus leaves)
For the only one in the world, I just want to give it to the most special you. This bouquet of 33 carnations has extremely high quality flowers, and each flower is perfect. Carnations are flowers that represent love. This bouquet brings people the most sincere feelings. The fragrance of eucalyptus leaves adds a little freshness and elegance to the bouquet.
Carefully selected carnations, each one is unique, as if representing our feelings, never repeated, extremely precious. This bouquet of flowers is given to the most special you. It is the most sincere love for you. Thank you for your support and company all the time. It is the most sincere gratitude to you.
Send this bouquet to your loved ones to express your affection and thank them for their continued support and companionship. Whether it's Valentine's Day, a birthday, or any other special occasion, this bouquet is the perfect gift idea.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
感謝妳(8支康乃馨,粉小丁,滿天星,葉上花)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
感謝妳(8支康乃馨,粉小丁,滿天星,葉上花)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
In life, we often need to express gratitude to the people around us, so that we can better maintain our emotions and relationships with each other. And sending a bouquet of beautiful flowers is also a way full of warmth and emotion. Our bouquet is called "Thank You", which is carefully matched with 8 pink carnations, pink lilacs, baby's breath and flowers on leaves. The whole bouquet exudes an elegant atmosphere, full of love and gratitude.
Pink carnations symbolize sweetness and warmth, showing your deep affection for the recipient, while small pink lilacs and gypsophila have natural fragrance, like small flowers in rural scenery, which can make people feel more to natural and fresh. The pale pink petals of the flowers on the leaves add elegance and sophistication to the whole bouquet.
While giving to a loved one or someone who is grateful, the "Thank You" bouquet is also a kind of blessing. I hope that the recipient can always feel your heart and love. Whether it is for mothers, sisters, friends or colleagues, this bouquet of flowers is a sincere thanks and blessing, which makes people feel the beauty and warmth in life.
Let the "Thank You" bouquets accompany you and your loved ones to spend every beautiful moment, expressing your gratitude to the important people in your life. The designs and colors of our bouquets are carefully selected and matched, and presented to you in the most beautiful manner. Let the "Thank You" bouquet be your best choice for gift giving, and bring the warmest heart to the other party.
The whole line adopts Colombia (Colombia) rose/Ecuador (Ecuador) rose and other imported flowers from the plane (except for the flower basket flower card or special note), and is managed by the florist of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Art.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
真摯的愛(康乃馨、綠桔硬、粉百合、尤加利葉)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
真摯的愛(康乃馨、綠桔硬、粉百合、尤加利葉)(2月9日-2月16日暫停借應,只能供應情人節花束系列 )
The "True Love" bouquet is pink and white with dark green leaves, showing tender and innocent emotions. This bouquet is made of carnations, tangerines, pink lilies and eucalyptus leaves, which makes people feel the affection and love contained in the bouquet.
Carnations symbolize true love and unconditional care, and this bouquet conveys a sense of eternal promise, warming and reassuring. Pink lilies represent sweetness, purity and pure love, especially among newlyweds.
The addition of green tangerine and eucalyptus leaves creates a fresh feeling and makes the whole bouquet more beautiful. The hue of each flower and the shape of the petals have been carefully selected to give this bouquet a natural yet elegant look.
For relatives, friends or loved ones, the "Sincere Love" bouquet will be a special gift, which will make people feel sincere and warm emotions. This bouquet is not only suitable for Valentine's Day or wedding anniversary, but also suitable for expressing gratitude to family members or relatives and friends.
The whole line uses imported rose materials such as Colombia (Colombia) roses/Ecuador (Ecuador) roses (except for opening flower baskets or special instructions), and is in charge of the floral art division of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Arts.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)