Blue Hydrangea and White Rose Bouquet
Blue Hydrangea and White Rose Bouquet
The whole line adopts Colombia (Colombia) rose/Ecuador (Ecuador) rose and other imported flowers from the plane (except for the flower basket flower card or special note), and is managed by the florist of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Art.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)
Romanticism (pink rust ball, pink platycodon, white gypsophila, purple star, eucalyptus)
Romanticism (pink rust ball, pink platycodon, white gypsophila, purple star, eucalyptus)
The whole line adopts Colombia (Colombia) rose/Ecuador (Ecuador) rose and other imported flowers from the plane (except for the flower basket flower card or special note), and is managed by the florist of the Hong Kong American Academy of Floral Art.
<啟德港鐵站自取,即場回饋現金$50,優惠期有限 )>*Each order is only entitled to one reward (not suitable for special requests/customized styles/each offer cannot be combined)