Psychological test: test the word to see the fortune / the person who chooses this word in "All wishes come true": the fortune of wealth is high, and both positive and partial wealth are super prosperous

【Test method】 Choose 1 word out of the 4 words "I want it to happen" based on intuition or first impression.

2021 is coming, everyone should be full of vision and hope for the new year, and what the fortune will be in 2021, I believe many people are full of curiosity, today I will use the word divination to see in advance what the fortune will be next year and whether it will be possible. "It's a dream come true"!

The word "xin" for heart belongs to gold in the five elements. In ancient times, precious metals were often used as currency for transactions. Therefore, choosing "heart" means that your financial fortune will change in 2021. In terms of the shape of the word, the stroke of "㇃" (lying hook) is similar to a vessel, which holds and gathers the other three ",", like a cornucopia, which holds money from all directions and gathers wealth from all directions. The three "," are distributed in three different directions, which means that your fortune will be opened up. There are many ways to get wealth, and wealth will naturally rise in 2021, and the wealth will be rolling in! At the same time, your partial wealth luck is also very good, and it is very likely that you will have a windfall in your pocket.

Think of the word "thinking" next to "xin". In oracle bone inscriptions, the shape of the word "xin" is like the outline of a heart, and the ancients believed that the heart is the organ of thinking, so most of the words using "xin" as the radical are related to thoughts and feelings. related. For example, "thinking" and "thinking". So choose the person who "thinks", and in 2021 you will make a lot of progress in your relationship. The character "Xiang" is composed of "phase" and "xin". It means that in 2021, you will have a red star moving, "phase" thinking disturbing "heart", and at the same time, there will be a "heart-to-heart bond" intention, indicating that your favorite object is likely to have a good impression on you. The relationship prospect is very good, everyone who chooses the word "want", seize the opportunity to get off the single / fall in love / get married in 2021.

The word "事" was first written in oracle bone inscriptions as a person holding hunting gear. Hunting was one of the main production activities at that time, and it can also be extended to the "career" that people are engaged in today. Holding hunting gear means mastering auxiliary production work. tools, found the know-how on the job. It means that in 2021 your work is going well and you may be successful in your career. From the perspective of modern Chinese, the word "shi" has the original meaning of governing and engaging in affairs, and it can also be extended to cause. Its structure is "one", "mouth" and "彐" and "庅". At the same time, "shi" is also the same as "history", so if you choose the word "shi", if you are still studying, you will be successful in 2021.

The original meaning of "cheng" is to complete, and it also has the meaning of success and completeness, which means that you may obtain small fulfillment in your life in 2021, such as happy events such as starting a family and adding a baby. At the same time "cheng" and "city". Among the four characters of "everything comes true", the structure of the word "cheng" is the most stable, surrounded on the left and right, like a "city" as firm and stable, and the family is the "city" in reality, it is your tiredness In life, a stable and warm dream town. You who choose the word "cheng" will have a happier and more stable family life in 2021. Contradictions and conflicts with family members can be resolved, and parents, lovers, and children can work together with you to create a happy life.

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